One day placement orientation program - “Industry’s Expectations from fresh Engineers”
Mon 19, 2021
One day placement orientation program -   “Industry’s Expectations from fresh Engineers”

One day placement orientation program has been conducted for the students who are facing various on going campus interviews in SMTEC Campus Vagaikulam.

Tech giant "ZOHO" Chief HR Mr. Charles Godwin was the chief guest and addressed the students, He Shared his experience in the IT Field and the path he travelled in the IT Field

He explained the expectation of the IT Companies From the student’s community.

He insisted students to develop IT Skills, Self Motivation . Self learning, self confidence and other essential soft skills

Dr. Ravindran, Prof. Placement welcomed the gathering

Mr. A. George Kington, Prof. planning & Development

delivered the keynote address

Mrs. Mcluret ,Assistant Professor , SMTEC, delivered the vote of address.

The program was really an eye opener session for the students