Kevin Doe
Kevin Doe
Director of Development
22 Omega Ave.

Kevin is a graduate of the Cognitive System program from the University of British Columbia. His specialization in Computational Intelligence and Design gave him an insatiable appetite to find better ways of solving a problem through computing. He was first introduced to Drupal through website development on a project funded by the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund.

From San Francisco to New York, Kevin has worked with a variety of projects for clients such as Disney and Time Inc, helping them successfully make the transition to Drupal and train in-house staff.

Research Projects

Development in Nepal.

Principal Investigator: Lynn Souza

Supervisor: John Chang, MD, professor of medicine.

Vestibulum pharetra ante non nisi molestie, ut tempus quam gravida.

Principal Investigator: Betsy Wight

Supervisor: W. Chang, MD, associate professor of science.

Responsible Research in Practice

Vestibulum pharetra ante non nisi molestie, ut tempus quam gravida.

Principal Investigator: D. Green

True Stories Well Told

Vestibulum pharetra ante non nisi molestie, ut tempus quam gravida.

Principal Investigator: L. Green


Vestibulum pharetra ante non nisi molestie, ut tempus quam gravida – Oct 1 1984

by Karl Wagner (Author)

Vestibulum pharetra ante non nisi molestie, ut tempus quam gravida – Nov 1 2016

by Jeanne Smith-James (Author, Contributor)

Vestibulum pharetra ante non nisi molestie, ut tempus quam gravida – Apr 8 2005

by Todd West (Author)

Students Supervised
  • Les Cordell
  • Yuriy Gerasimov
  • Gavin Graham
  • Bryan Heredia
  • Erin Joyce
  • Travis Ketler